I am wrestling. Wrestling with I observe and experience in the North American church. I, along with many of you, am passionate for people to know Christ as well as for the church to be the church – i.e. healthy, growing into adulthood, mature, full of the life of Jesus per Eph. 4:11-16. I love the church. More importantly Christ does also. When I visit with other traditions (e.g. Orthodox, Roman Catholic, monastic), part of my tension is their lack of cultural relevance to communicate Jesus Christ into our culture. I see few young people. When I visit evanglical churches, the over-concern for growth in numbers seems to overshadow any time for genuine formation. Shallowness prevails. Dr. David Wells, a professor at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary recently published a book The Courage to be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World. While I am not in agreement with everything he says or writes (I actually had. Read more.