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Tag Archives: heart of the righteous


If I were to identify the number one error I have committed more than any other as a pastor the last twenty years, I would have to talk about imprudence.  Proverbs is filled with teaching to cultivate this very rare virtue.  I have rushed, reacted, failed to ponder implications of decisions, spoken when it was best to be silent, moved out of anxiety instead of stilling my own soul.   I recently studied every verse in Proverbs about prudence and speech. It was both edifying and sobering. The following are a sampling I shared at a recent NLF staff meeting. I commend them to you for your prayerful meditation:     The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways -Prov. 14:8  A simple man believes anything,          but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.-Prov. 14:15  The discerning heart seeks knowledge,    but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.  -Prov. 15:14  The heart of the. Read more.