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Tag Archives: Emotionally Healthy Spiritually

EH Leader Podcast: Power and Wise Boundaries

How healthy are you at exercising power and setting wise boundaries?  Join Pete Scazzero and Rich Villodas in this month’s edition of the Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast as they discuss this pivotal leadership theme. Click the video below to watch or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE  

Quit Overfunctioning

To quit overfunctioning is foundational to our leadership. In fact, unless we take up this biblical challenge, it will be nearly impossible to raise up healthy, biblical communities that effectively engage the world with the gospel and deeply transform lives. Overfunctioning can be defined as: doing for others what they can and should do for themselves. This is a key task for every leader that requires discernment, courage, and at times, wise counsel from others. The following four realities motivate us to make this a regular topic for prayerful discernment: Overfunctioning perpetuates immaturity. In Exodus 18, Moses mistakenly believed his self-sacrifice was serving the people. Moses became the largest obstacle, the bottleneck to the people’s growth and maturity. In Numbers 11, the Israelites demanded a rescue from their pain. Moses accepted the role. In doing so, he ensured their continued immature behavior. Overfunctioning prevents us from focusing on God’s unique call for our own. Read more.

A Request From Pete

We are so excited about The Emotionally Healthy Leader that releases on June 30th! It is the fruit of 8 years of thinking, and 18 months of writing. (I am glad it is over!) Zondervan, along with Amazon, have worked out a special offer we want to share with you.  If you go to http://EHLeader.com and pre-order a copy of The Emotionally Healthy Leader you will also receive a FREE eBook version of the book along with free bonus content. We hope you will take advantage of this special offer as well as share it with others.  Below is a link to pre-order the book along with a tweet or social media post for you to let others know about this offer. Thanks so much! – Pete (and the EHS Team) Pre-order @petescazzero‘s new book The Emotionally Healthy Leader by going to http://EHLeader.com & get a FREE eBook version also #EHLeader

The Slow Power of Jesus’ Kingdom

Jesus compared His kingdom to a mustard seed – almost invisible, apparently powerless, defeated, and insignificant. Yet He assures us it will grow into something magnificent that will cover the whole earth (Matthew 13:31-32). This smallness was a scandal then. It is a scandal today. In our efforts to copy the ancient great cities of Rome, Athens, and Corinth, and our desire for “real disciples” who aren’t like Peter, James, John, Thomas, and Judas, we end up chasing after goals that aren’t His. We easily miss His movements. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) is a mustard seed that has rediscovered and applied a few simple biblical truths. For example: Slowing down for loving union with Jesus is the foundation of all  leadership. We are to lead out of a marriage, or our singleness, as a sign and wonder for Christ. Spiritual formation requires we break the sinful patterns of our family of origin and culture. Read more.