#EHLeader Cheat Sheet
Geri and I realize that certain “one-liners” have emerged over the years as we (and others) teach emotionally healthy spirituality. They are helpful in providing anchors as we lead others into a deep, beneath the surface spirituality that transforms people who transform the world. Take a look. Eva, my 20 year old daughter, refers to it as a “cheat sheet.” It is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Our being with God must be sufficient to sustain our doing for God. Jesus may be in your heart, but grandpa is in your bones. There is a big difference between being “in the world for God and being in God for the world” We cannot give what we do not possess. You don’t have to keep Sabbath; you get to keep Sabbath. There are no boundary breakers, only boundary makers. When we overfunction, doing for others what they can and should. Read more.