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Tag Archives: church discipleship

Christianity Without Discipleship

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer A number of years ago, I was asked by a good friend: “Why do so many Christians make such lousy human beings?” She shared how she had grown tired of the judgmentalism, the defensiveness, the superficiality, and the lack of self-awareness of many in church. To address our great problem of a “Christianity without discipleship,” as Bonhoeffer has called it, we have committed ourselves at EHS to equip the church in a discipleship strategy that deeply changes people for the sake of long-term mission. Our work with churches over these years has confirmed how countercultural and radical this is in our world today. Last month, we offered our first Live Stream training event on “How to Lead the EHS Course.” The day far exceeded our expectations in helping Point Leaders/Pastors bring the EHS Course to their churches. Our largest surprise was how effectively the. Read more.


Have you committed to embedding the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course into your Church or do you need help convincing your leadership to integrate the course? Here are 8 great reasons that you should embed the EHS Course into your Church: 1) Offers long-term sustainability for EHS in a church so it is not dependent on the senior pastor. 2) Provides regular testimonies of life-change. 3) Enables leadership to maintain the quality/DNA to newcomers and members to the church. 4) Raises up new leaders and “water carriers” of EHS throughout the church. 5) Serves as a call to deep, beneath the surface, radical discipleship in the church. 6) Cements members in the core values of the church. 7) Moves people from being “consumers” to servants/leaders. 8) Provides a bridge for people into the larger EHS vision found in “Characteristics of Churches Transformed by EHS“.