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Tag Archives: biblical foundation

Leading/Pastoring out of Your Marriage — EHL Conference 2010

One of the more significant pieces of feedback I received from our Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference 2010 came out of the pre-conference on the leaders’s marriage. The following video contains Geri and I taking 25-30 minutes to provide a short summary of a biblical foundation for the pastor’s/leader’s marriage.  As one pastor remarked, “In twenty five years of pastoring, I have never heard that our leadership is to flow out of our marriage. It was a shock!” Enjoy: Intro to the EH Leadership Conf – 04.29.10 from New Life Fellowship on Vimeo. Pastor Pete & Geri Scazzero introduce the 2010 Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference. You can click on the image above for more pictures from our conference. What are your Thoughts? Perspectives?

New Monastacism and NLF

      On June 1st I introduced a Rule of Life to our memberhip at NLF at our annual meeting. It was the culmination of over four years of pondering, struggle, and prayer about how to best lead in such a way that Christ be formed in our people.         Click on the icon “rule of life” at the NLF website (www.newlifefellowship.org) and listen to my 18 minute introduction to the Rule as well as the Rule itself (it has 16 points). You can download a brief commentary on it as well.  I distributed also a laminated card with the Rule and invited our church to begin piloting it this year.      I am not sure all that God intends with it, and how this will all work out as a large missional church in NYC committed to evangelism. I just am sure that we are to move in this direction as a local church. It is intentional, focused, clear and a strong. Read more.