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Category Archives: Podcasts

Emotionally Healthy Leadership Podcast: Marriage and Sex Part 2

In part 2 of this conversation led by Rick Villodas we dig deeper into the implications of a healthy marriage on a leader.  Pete and Geri Scazzero share from their experiences and the critical importance of cultivating affirmation in your marriage.   We hope you will take 16 minutes today to listen to this conversation and that you apply these critical principles into your marriage today.  To listen to this podcast on iTunes click here.

If you are going to marry…

“If you are going to marry,” thundered the speaker to the 17,000 of us attending the Urbana Student Missions Conference, “…make sure you marry someone who doubles your ministry, and doesn’t cut it in half.” Nobody had said it quite that bluntly before but that was the message about marriage that I was taught as a young Christian leader. The focus of my energy became accumulating knowledge and skills. I read books, attended seminars, traveled to conferences, and invested three years of my life in seminary. Marriage was only talked about in the context of helping other couples. Most present-day theology on a leader’s marriage reflects this secular view: I am a leader who happens to be married. The Christian view, however, is very different. We lead out of a marriage that serves as a sign and wonder of God’s love for the world (Ephesians 5:32). Since Geri and I started our emotionally healthy. Read more.

Removing the Clutter

Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jew, knew she was about to be sent to a concentration camp. In A Life Interrupted, she describes how she knew she could only take with her one small backpack to sustain her as she entered hell. In her mind, she pondered and planned, mentally packed and unpacked that small bag, before finally deciding on a Bible, a volume of favorite poems by Rilke, a bottle of aspirin, an extra sweater, and a chocolate bar. Etty struggled to define what was valuable to her, and what would sustain her on her journey. A stripping-down, a letting-go was inevitable as transport to the death camp came closer. If we are going to have an interior life, out of which we lead, it demands we limit what is in our knapsack, or backpack. Not knowing how to listen to our interior world puts us, our family, and the people we lead in. Read more.

Powers and principalities

Rich Villodas (New Life Fellowship, Lead Pastor) and Pete and Geri Scazzero (EHS) talk about the clash that occurs when EHS comes into a persons life.

The Cross, Succession, and the False Self

Pete Scazzero (EHS) and Pastor Rich Villodas (Lead Pastor, New Life Fellowship) speak about a recent leadership conference held at New Life Fellowship led by Dr. Robert Mullholland.

Lead Pastor Transition Overview

Pete Scazzero (EHS’s Founder, and New Life Fellowship’ Pastor at Large) speaks with Rich Villodas (New Life Fellowship’s Lead Pastor) about the transition at New Life Fellowship that was just completed. In the fall of 2013 Pete Scazzero transitioned out of the role of Lead Pastor of New Life Fellowship and Rich Villodas became New Life’s new Lead Pastor.