Stop Fixing Your Church: Part 1 – EH Leader Podcast
When we cross the line into “fixing” our ministries instead of leading them forward to greener pastures, we are overfunctioning. Overfunctioning can be defined as: doing for others what they can and should do for themselves. Distinguishing when we have crossed that line into overfunctioning requires discernment, courage, and at times, wise counsel from others. In this podcast, I introduce this large theme by inviting you to listen to Geri’s reading of the audio version of an outstanding chapter out of The Emotionally Healthy Woman called “Quit Overfunctioning.” By the time you finish, it will make sense why quitting overfunctioning is foundational to leadership. In fact, unless we take up this biblical challenge, it will be nearly impossible to raise up healthy, biblical communities that effectively engage the world with the gospel and deeply transform lives. For example, you will be introduced to four realities that should motivate us to make this a critical topic. Read more.