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Category Archives: Leadership

The 4 Questions in "Christian" Decision Making

Christian leaders ask 4 “beneath-the-iceberg” questions before making important decisions and plans: 1. How might my shadow be impacting my decisions/plan? Is this about me proving something? Am I looking for validation from others? Is this about my own ambition? Am I free from my anxieties, disordered desires, and unhealthy attachments? Do I need to talk with a trusted friend first? 2. What impact will this decision have on God’s call for me to lead out of my marriage or singleness? Will this lead to a diminishment in my oneness and closeness with my spouse or enhance it? As a single leader, will this decision hurt my closest, delightful relationships and ability to have a joyful life outside of work? 3. Am I making this decision from a non-anxious, anchored place of loving union with Jesus? Is there a sense that I am striving or making something happen? Am I abiding in Jesus (John. Read more.

The Most Important Question of Every Day

Discerning God’s will in making decisions is the most important thing we do each day — both personally and in our leadership of others. Assuming that you are committed to the overall direction of Scripture and are willing to do whatever God asks, the Examen developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) is the best means I know to discern God’s will. God speaks to us is through our deepest feelings and yearnings in what Ignatius called “consolations” and “desolations.” Consolations are those experiences that fill us with joy, life, energy and peace. Desolations are those that drain us and feel like death. Consolations connect us with ourselves, others and God. Desolations disconnect us.  The process below is one simple way of discovering the interior movements of God through which He is speaking and leading. Scripture: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.1 John 4:1 Silence: 1. Read more.

The Most Important Question of Every Day

Discerning God’s will in making decisions is the most important thing we do each day — both personally and in our leadership of others. Assuming that you are committed to the overall direction of Scripture and are willing to do whatever God asks, the Examen developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) is the best means I know to discern God’s will. God speaks to us is through our deepest feelings and yearnings in what Ignatius called “consolations” and “desolations.” Consolations are those experiences that fill us with joy, life, energy and peace. Desolations are those that drain us and feel like death. Consolations connect us with ourselves, others and God. Desolations disconnect us.  The process below is one simple way of discovering the interior movements of God through which He is speaking and leading. Scripture: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. 1 John. Read more.

Learning to Lead from the Best

Most Christian leaders today look primarily to secular entrepreneurs in order to learn how to lead– e.g. Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos. That is a good thing. My deep concern is proportion. We don’t spend nearly as much time sitting at the feet of Christian leaders who are prayerful, discerning, and biblical. The best models I know come out of early church history. Origen (182-251) was the head of a famous catechetical school (or seminary) in Alexandria Egypt. For Origen, all Scripture was the “music of God.” He was so ascetic in his lifestyle that, to avoid slander arising out of his wide ministry and to serve his quest for perfection in Christ, he castrated himself in accordance to Matthew 19:12. Regardless of our opinion of his actions, it demonstrates his all-out commitment to live what he was preaching. Athanasius (300-373) was a deacon in the church in Egypt and a great defender of Scripture.. Read more.

Learning to Lead from the Best

Most Christian leaders today look primarily to secular entrepreneurs in order to learn how to lead– e.g. Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos. That is a good thing. My deep concern is proportion. We don’t spend nearly as much time sitting at the feet of Christian leaders who are prayerful, discerning, and biblical. The best models I know come out of early church history. Origen (182-251) was the head of a famous catechetical school (or seminary) in Alexandria Egypt. For Origen, all Scripture was the “music of God.” He was so ascetic in his lifestyle that, to avoid slander arising out of his wide ministry and to serve his quest for perfection in Christ, he castrated himself in accordance to Matthew 19:12. Regardless of our opinion of his actions, it demonstrates his all-out commitment to live what he was preaching. Athanasius (300-373) was a deacon in the church in Egypt and a great defender. Read more.

Your Body is a Major, not Minor Prophet

Geri and I like often remind people: “Remember, the body is a major, not a minor prophet.” For this reason, one of the most significant indicators that all is well with our souls, that we are in loving union with Jesus, is that every cell in our body is relaxed. Why? Our bodies often know before our minds the state of our souls. When our lives are out of control, our stomach gets knotted, our neck tight, a tightness fills our shoulders, our fingers close up into a fist, our body posture closes up. For this reason, it is number one on our list of top signs below. (Geri reminded me of a 13th sign that I had omitted in Tuesday’s blog. Please note that below). Top 13 signs of not being loving union with Jesus 1. I feel anxiety in the tenseness and tightness in my body.2. I am not present or listening. Read more.