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Category Archives: Leadership

While Pete is Away…

While Pete is unplugged, we looked back at the most read blogs from the past two years. We thought you would enjoy taking a look back as well: 10 Qualities of an Emotionally Healthy Wedding Characteristics of the Emotionally Unhealthy Leader 4 Steps to a Meaningful Sabbath Quit Living Someone Else’s Life Quit Over-functioning My #1 Mistake as a Leader You Know You’re Not Doing Endings Well When… Four Unhealthy Commandments of Church Leadership Symptoms of the False Self Change Your Brain Through Silence and the Daily Office   As you plan your discipleship courses for the fall, the How to Lead the EHS Course Training Pack is an excellent practical resource for maximizing the impact of your course in your church. Click here or on the image below to learn more.

The Leader’s Spouse, Part 2: An EH Leader Podcast

The conversation with Geri Scazzero continues in this second segment of The Leader’s Spouse podcast. In this podcast, Geri shares candidly: The hazardous “second hand smoke” experienced by a leader’s spouse Overfunctioning and God’s invitation to quit overfunctioning as a gift of love and maturity for others and yourself Living your one unrepeatable God-given life To read more, see The Emotionally Healthy Woman. Click below to watch the video or the link to listen to the audio file. LISTEN HERE

I’m Disconnecting

On Monday I begin a three-week vacation. Part of that will include not blogging, tweeting, or posting on Facebook and Instagram. Why? To Honor Sabbatical Rest. I prefer to frame vacations as sabbaticals from the Lord, a gift to let the soil of one’s soul get replenished by stopping our work, resting, delighting, and contemplating Him. A good part of my work now includes social media engagement. So I will stop and let it rest. To Respect My Vulnerabilities. I like Sherry Turkle’s point that “laptops and smartphones are not things to remove. They are facts of life and part of our creative lives. The goal is to use them with greater intention. We are faced with technologies to which we are extremely vulnerable and we don’t always respect that fact.” Is it possible to be addicted to social media? I think so. (Not all researchers agree.) Disconnecting will be good for my soul.. Read more.

My Top 10 Books: Spring/Summer 2016

I like to read more broadly than usual in the summer months to stretch me and to open up doors for God to speak in unexpected ways. The following are my top 10 picks for the first half of 2016: 1.  Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age – Sheryl Turkle I consider this the most important leadership book I’ve read so far this year because of the implications of her research on how digital technology is impacting our culture. I find myself returning to her insights in discussions on building community, discipleship, preaching, and developing next generation leaders. Click here to read the blog I wrote on this book.   2.  When Breath Becomes Air – Paul Kalanithi At the age of 36, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. A brilliant neurosurgeon and excellent writer, he records for us, with penetrating insight and clarity, his process of. Read more.

Christianity Without Discipleship

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer A number of years ago, I was asked by a good friend: “Why do so many Christians make such lousy human beings?” She shared how she had grown tired of the judgmentalism, the defensiveness, the superficiality, and the lack of self-awareness of many in church. To address our great problem of a “Christianity without discipleship,” as Bonhoeffer has called it, we have committed ourselves at EHS to equip the church in a discipleship strategy that deeply changes people for the sake of long-term mission. Our work with churches over these years has confirmed how countercultural and radical this is in our world today. Last month, we offered our first Live Stream training event on “How to Lead the EHS Course.” The day far exceeded our expectations in helping Point Leaders/Pastors bring the EHS Course to their churches. Our largest surprise was how effectively the. Read more.

Handing Over Power

I have had multiple conversations these past few weeks with pastors and leaders about the importance of healthy transitions, particularly as it relates to succession. Why? I am passionate about Jesus and the proclamation of His glory to the next generation. Over the decades I have repeatedly seen the destructive consequences of leaders who hand over power poorly. Andy Crouch says it best: “It is hard to think of many things that do more damage to an organization than leaders who have no plan for how they will hand over power…When leaders do not actively plan for the end of their power, and when we who are led by them allow them to indulge in fantasies of unending influence, they are idols, no matter how well disguised” (Strong and Weak, IVP 2016). I describe my own 4½-year interior succession process in the final 17 pages of The Emotionally Healthy Leader. Almost three years have. Read more.