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10 Ways to Know It is Time to Quit

Posted on February 27th, 2013

The journey into a profound spirituality for me began when I said, “I quit.” Take the following assessment below and see if you need to quit:

  1. You need the approval of others to feel good about yourself.
  2. You are angry, sad, or disappointed and feel guilty about it – or don’t want to admit it.
  3. You believe you don’t have choices.
  4. You do for others what they can and should do for themselves.
  5. You are so focused on others that you rarely consider your own hopes and dreams.
  6. You say “yes” when you would rather say “no”.
  7. You have difficulty speaking up when you disagree or prefer something different.
  8. You’re becoming a less loving person instead of a more, loving person.
  9. You are resentful and tired because you regularly “try to do it all.”
  10. You are afraid to admit your weaknesses and flaws.

If two or three apply to you, you may need to start quitting. If four to six apply, you have a lot to quit; if you scored seven or above, your true self may be “buried alive.” How did you do? In upcoming blogs I will unpack the things you need to quit.

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